Chapter | 2 Web tool

The SysNDD web tool is available from on a server hosted at the Department for BioMedical Research (DBMR) (University of Bern) and the web address redirects to this server.

The web tool uses the Vue.js (v2.6) JavaScript framework with BootstrapVue to generate a Bootstrap v4 website frontend.

2.1 Landing page

The landing page is designed as simple Bootstrap v4 website with:

  1. a navigation menu at the top,
  2. the main site content, which changes with navigation to other routes, and
  3. a footer navigation bar at the bottom

Screenshot of the landing page with elements marked:

Landing page

The landing page content includes the following elements to provide a quick overview and allow for easy navigation:

  • a centered search input at the top,
  • a box (left side top) with current gene statistics divided by association category and inheritance patterns (Details),
  • a box (left side bottom) showing a table of the five last entities entered into the database,
  • an explanatory text on the right.